Tuesday, 19 May 2009

ICT Web Resources

We have been asked by teachers where can they find a list of web sites that related directly to CEIAG? While we review web sites on the Blog we too have been challenge as where to store them.
We have finally developed a Web base resource that will allow us to store all web sites that we have recommend or used in the pass. It will allow you the teacher to access a database of web sites that have common key words. While it is very much in its infancy we hope to have it fully operational by the start of the new school year (September 2009).
If you have any websites that you want to share with others please forward to



Comparing qualifications in the UK and Ireland

Comparing qualifications in the UK and Ireland
An updated easy- to-use guide to comparing qualifications in the UK and Ireland has been published
by QAA and the authorities responsible for the maintenance of credit and qualifications frameworks in the UK and Ireland. Qualifications can cross boundaries - a rough guide to comparing qualifications in the UK and Ireland has been produced to avoid confusion with the numbering of levels in the various frameworks across the UK and Ireland. It enables comparisons to be drawn and includes examples of major qualifications at each level. Find it here.

Find it here


CEIAG STEM Resources

CEIAG STEM Resource Money
All schools in the SELB area have just recently received additional money that is to spent on STEM CEIAG Resources, to the value of £880. This is in addition to your already existing Department budget.
If you haven't been notified or received any correspondence to this please contact

mark.thompson@selb.org or telephone 02838310920


Quick Survey

This is our 5th edition of the CEIAG Blog and we want to find out what you think about it? We have over 3000 hits and have just recently made it available to all NISCA members. It is our intention to share it with all Careers teachers in Northern Ireland (Next school year).

However we need feedback from you, it will only take a few minutes to complete. Tell us what you think and email it back to ciaron.maguire@selb.org



ETI Survey Inspections

ETI One Day Survey Inspections
If you are one of the 22 schools being visited by the Inspectorate over this coming week (18th - 22nd May 2009), you will be aware that the focus is on CEIAG and Progress File, among other things.

I hear you say 'Progress File' - that's not me I have nothing to do with that (not my responsibility). However this may be the case but CEIAG is involved in the information that is contained within the Progress file, especially when giving advice and guidance (formal or informal, pastoral or subject specific)or developing PCP or Individual Learning Plans.

Don't panic its a survey and the Inspectorate will publish its findings with recommendations, hopefully in time for the next school year.
If you are concern about this please contact me @ ciaron.maguire@selb.org


Quality Indicators, NI CEIAG Strategy!!!!!

It may all be too much at this late stage in the year to be faced with having two new documents to read. However we ask you just to do that - READ THEM. If you do nothing more than take the time to read and digest this information, it will be a step in the right direction.
We have spoken at length about both these documents arriving on your table and the importance and credence it gives to the work of CEIAG in schools. It may be the case that your principal is not aware of the CEIAG documentation and therefore it is up to you to inform them of changes ahead.

Our team is at hand to take you through this process of change - for some it may not be too much change for others it may be the case of bringing you into 'the heart of the school', where you belong.

Contact our team @ ciaron.maguire@selb.org or 02838310920

Quality Indicaors

NI Strategy for CEIAG


Careers Information on Facebook

Career information on Facebook

The Actuarial Profession is launching a Facebook page, ‘Actuaries’,
which forms the hub of a digital campaign running across leading careers sites. Through one-to-one discussions with actuaries on the Facebook page, students will be able to gain a greater insight into a profession which is not that well-known, but ticks many boxes for graduate high-fliers. Actuaries are experts in risk, and the rise of risk management to the top of the financial services business agenda offers unprecedented career opportunities for the profession.

Facebook Link

For a full press release click here


Forecasting the Future Skills Needs of NI

Forecasting future skills needs
A report commissioned by the local Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) examines the workforce skills needed in N Ireland up to 2020.

The report itself is 205 pages long! We haven't tried to summarise it for you but we have identified some information that may be of interest for you.
Alarmingly, the forecast is for just a net 5000 new jobs per annum from now to 2020; compare that to the net 20,000 created in 2005 alone. The 5k growth is, however, more sustainable for an economy of our size. Despite the present gloom and doom the outlook is not all bad – with the economy predicted to undergo a transformation towards more skills hungry sectors and occupations. Priority skills areas are identified as financial and business services, ICT, life sciences and hi-tech manufacturing. And there will be a growing demand for a workforce with NQF Levels 4-8 – up from 28% in 2005 to between 43 and 49% by 2020.


Northern Ireland IT Snapshot

Northern Ireland IT Snapshot
E-skills UK has released new research on ICT skills in Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland ICT Snapshot is the first dedicated source of information about changes in the demand and supply of ICT labour and skills in Northern Ireland.

The report is nine pages long but gives an snapshot on the following areas:

Current Trends
Employment Opportunities
Gender Issues
Recruitment Outlook
And much more..

Please click for a copy of the report