For those who don't already know we have a VLE (A Virtual Learning Portal ie where we have numerous teaching materials/resources/power points, etc that you the teacher can use in CEIAG programme of work from Key Stage 3 to Post 16.
Clicking on the LINK will take you to the Clounagh website - you must enter your user name and password (create one if you haven't already done so - ANYONE CAN JOIN). Click on the link CEIAG - and your in!
We have a Labour Market Information Section which contains numerous presentations and information from different Sector Skill Councils. If you have difficultly contact the team at Silverwood.
Clicking on the LINK will take you to the Clounagh website - you must enter your user name and password (create one if you haven't already done so - ANYONE CAN JOIN). Click on the link CEIAG - and your in!
We have a Labour Market Information Section which contains numerous presentations and information from different Sector Skill Councils. If you have difficultly contact the team at Silverwood.