Thursday, 6 August 2009

Teaching Resources for CEIAG!

For those who don't already know we have a VLE (A Virtual Learning Portal ie where we have numerous teaching materials/resources/power points, etc that you the teacher can use in CEIAG programme of work from Key Stage 3 to Post 16.

Clicking on the LINK will take you to the Clounagh website - you must enter your user name and password (create one if you haven't already done so - ANYONE CAN JOIN). Click on the link CEIAG - and your in!

We have a Labour Market Information Section which contains numerous presentations and information from different Sector Skill Councils. If you have difficultly contact the team at Silverwood.


DEL Skills Newsletter

The Department For Employment and Learning like to keep in touch with those who have an interest in what they do. As a result they issue a monthly newsletter that contains useful information for those in the CEIAG world.

July Issue

May Issue


94% asked for better CEIAG Advice

An Equality and Human Rights Commission report has outlined the attitudes and aspirations of over 1000 young people aged 14 - 19. One of the outcomes from the study has highlighted the need for better CEIAG – with a massive 94% asking for better advice on career options and one in five youngsters admitting to never having had one-to-one careers sessions. Read more


Pupils Abandon Traditional Subjects

Traditional subjects are being marginalised at secondary schools as more students elect to take vocational subjects.



LMI Factsheets

A series of easy-to use Northern Ireland Fact Sheets is now available for your use. The Fact Sheets cover a variety of occupations within the 25 Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) in Northern Ireland. They provide information on job prospects, relevant skills and entry requirements as well as highlighting current vacancies and skill shortages.

Fact Sheets


Local Labour Market Information

The Department for Employment and Learning has published labour market profiles for the six Workforce Development Forums (WDFs) in Northern Ireland
These are Belfast Metropolitan WDF, North West Regional WDF, Northern Regional WDF, South West WDF, South Eastern Regional WDF and the Southern Regional WDF. A report providing an overview of labour market information for Northern Ireland has also been published.

View all reports here.


Have you a Space Cadet in your Classroom?

The UK space industry contributes nearly £6 billion to the UK economy and supports 19,000 jobs. The following article will give a student an insight into the world of a UK Astronaut.



Creative Careers in IT

E-Skills UK have developed 'SHOWCASE' a resource that will take your students on an interactive tour of the IT World.


Need a Visiting Speaker for your Classroom!

The Retail Ambassador programme has been developed by Skillsmart Retail to allow retail staff to promote the sector in schools and colleges across the UK, encouraging young people to consider a career in retail. Click on the link for further details. (information is stored on the Clounagh VLE website under Labour Market Information Section)


Travel and Toursim Newsletters

People 1st have now launched two Diploma newsletters for the Diploma in travel and Tourism and the Diploma in Hospitality. The newsletters are both featured on the respective websites, and and once registered users can download past publications.
The Diploma in Hospitality newsletter is circulated every 1st of the month, with the Diploma in Travel and Tourism being circulated on the 17th of every month.


Free Lesson Plans and Video's

'Step into the NHS' is a website and communications programme designed to raise awareness amongst 14 - 19 year olds of the wide range of careers in the NHS. The NHS does not just employ nurses and doctors, but has over 300 different careers, many of which are not directly involved with patient care. Not only will you find individual lesson plans but 20 video profiles, a career mapper for students and much more.
