Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Scientrific Careers

Recently a school in the Southern Board organised a STEM awareness day seeking the assistance from BEAM creative network. The work shop involved Year 10 students from a number of schools.

'an entertaining and enjoyable workshop - lively and engaging with learning taking place without students conscious knowledge. A welcome addition to the new revised curriculum with emphasises on 'active learning and creativity'. comment made by a teacher.

It is another way of spicing up teaching and learning in any school setting. Contact Kathryn on 02887769157 or email:

They can work with any topic/subject in your school - you tell them and they will create a workshop to meet you pupils needs and ability.


Career focus learning in English

Recently I made a presentation to a post primary school on 'Preparing for Success', at the end of which a conscientious head of english wanted to know where she could get career focus lessons for english classes.

I give her these to look at LINK


Sporting Chances?

In the past three years, more than 200,000 young people have left university with a sport and/or leisure related qualification in search of a job. If you add to this figure the number of Further Education qualifications also completed in this time, it is clear to see that demand to work in the sector is high. The opportunities to develop a career in sport, whether as a sportsperson or as an individual seems set to continue to rise.
To progress in these areas, however, your CV must feature volunteering and work experience, and evidence that you have what it takes to make an impact on the sports world.

As a teacher of PE or just a teacher interested in sport what are you doing to support the Olympics 2012, more interestingly what are your pupils thinking? Do they need support, advice or guidance?



Want to be a DJ

If we ask any young person do you know: Armin Van Buuren, Tiesto, David Guetta, Paul Van Dyk? What do they do for a living? The answers will come quicker than 'google'.
What is it that makes young people want to become the next DJ? If you have young people in front of you who like to 'turn the tables' then this video case study may help them discover their potential.



What do I know about Business Studies?

In a previous life my world evolved around teaching Business Studies and getting young people interested in a subject that I was fascinated with (and still). I had pupils coming to me looking for information as to potential careers if they were to study GCSE/GCE Business studies/ Accountancy. To be honest it was very limited as to what I could really tell them - now I don't have any excuses.

Smaart FAB is the U.K’s first student magazine completely dedicated to promoting a positive image of courses and careers in Finance, Accountancy and Business to young adults. Smaart FAB is produced in association with The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

With useful case studies and information for both the student and the teacher it is vital that when we promote our subject that our information is correct and up to date. I hope this helps and by the by it is FREE.


Friday, 11 December 2009

How good is your Righting (Written) English!

Graduates seeking careers in journalism need to improve their written English if they want to be considered for jobs in the media, according to anew UK-wide survey.

More details (page 12)


Drama Schools Demanding £40k for Training

If your school offers drama or have students interested in studying drama, then they need to read this!
Reality shows such as The X Factor have inspired a whole new generation of fame hungry young people, who can take their pick from several thousand drama schools through the UK. But are they ACCREDITED.

More details (page 9)


The Pop Star Who's Not Too Cool For College

King's College student Jonathan Gill (member of JLS) is a second year theology and religious studies student at the top London University, taking a year off to focus on JLS UK Tour.

As a Careers or Music teacher what a diverse career pathway this young man is going to have. Interestingly for a music teacher or pupil: Has he ever studied Music? Does he play a musical instrument? What a music research project this would be!

More details (Link) and band details (Link)


Keeping Parents Informed

Preparing for success outlines the valuable role parents play in their children's decision making. It is important to keep parents inform not only when pupils are making decisions and choices but also other information, advice or guidance that they may need(How to fill out application forms, student finance, getting organised to study, apprenticeships, UCAS forms - clearing and timetable, to name a few) The new SMAART Parents Paper will not only give you ideas as how to keep parents informed but also articles that are extremely useful to parents.

If you already produce a parents newsletter for your CEIAG Department, let us know and we can share the good practice with others.