Friday, 10 April 2009


If you are one of the many teachers charged with the responsibility of placing pupils on work experience, then you will know the problems faced when asked 'Has this pupil been vetted?'

The vetting process is to over go a major revamp on the 12th October 2009. From this date, all people who work with children and vulnerable adults will be required to be vetted under the new VBS (Northern Ireland Vetting and Barring Scheme).
Everyone over the age of 16 will be required to be vetted for a one off fee of £58. They will not have to go through this process again in their life time. They will be automatically placed on a database, which is updated by previous and current employers. Sounds to good to be through - but this process is to be rolled out right across NI, all employing authorities will be required to follow this procedure. The fee of £58 is currently been looked at by the DE, as to who should pay the fee, if the person is still at school and wishes to go on work placement.

Current practice varies from board to board, however in the SELB we advise that you contact the Board HQ in Armagh and ask for a vetting form, if your student requires to be vetted (waiting time 4-6 weeks approx). Contact us for further information.


STEM Teacher into Industry - Cohort One

If you are one of the lucky ones who have been selected to take part in the first Cohort of Teacher placement, organised by your ELB, then Good Luck and enjoy your experience.

If on the other hand you are wondering why is STEM the new Kid on the Block! Then take a look at this (GO!)


ETI Quality Indicators

The ETI have just recently published on their website 'Evaluating the Quality of Careers Education, Information,Advice and Guidance provided by Schools, Colleges and Training Organisations'. Link

A set of indicators have also been produced for those who provide Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (Link)

Watch the Blog for further updates on CEIAG Quality Indicators


You will never get a job playing Video games?

If you are trying to make careers exciting for those pupils who are 24/7 playing video games (PS3, Nintendo Wii, etc), the following link may allow you to discover what career options are for them in the world of GAMES!



STEM Employers in School!

If you are pondering on how to address the STEM agenda in your school - well help is at hand! Teacher's TV have developed a video resource highlighting how one teacher has tried to promote the awareness of STEM in the Careers Classroom to Year 8 students.

Click on the link for further details


Creative Cultural Sector

By 2014, some 700,000 people are predicted to be working in the creative and cultural sector. That's 700,000 people who could be asking for your advice on careers in advertising, the arts, music, design, cultural heritage and crafts. And, in the current climate, there is an even greater need for trusted careers advice across this creative footprint.

Click on the Link for a free online service offering the tools, knowledge and networks to support everyone starting out, or moving on, in the creative and cultural sector.


Employability is Vital

The CBI Director-General, Richard Lambert, said that it is even more important during the recession that students gain vital employability skills and experience of the workplace,so they are better equipped to compete in the increasingly tough jobs market after graduation.

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What Careers Advice?

Young people find out about careers through a range of sources: TV Programmes, family and friends, hobbies and interests,celebrities and their subject teachers. There was no spontaneous recall of careers advice in schools. (Recent survey on Information Advice and Guidance)

The world of media is currently one of the strongest career influencers, as it introduces young people to new jobs, exposes them to potential lifestyles and opportunities and brings different industries and careers to life which
is important and can be inspiring. DO WE USE IT IN OUR CEIAG PROGRAMMES?

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Massive Shortage in skilled Technicans

While the supposed lack of engineering graduates is widely bemoaned, many companies are instead desperate for competent school-leavers to fill junior roles.

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Fostering Programme for Apprentices

Sir Reg Empey answered questions in the NI Assembly to emphasise progress with some of the main priorities for his Department. On apprenticeships,

he did not wish to see trainees who have been affected by the present economic downturn – perhaps even losing their ‘jobs’ – being disadvantaged. Ways to allow them to complete their training, and not wasting progress to date, were outlined – simulated work environments and full-time FE placements. By utilising such initiatives time spent in training to date thus counts, and the apprenticeship can then be completed successfully. Presently, schemes are in place for the construction, engineering and motor industries – but other parts of the economy may be given similar assistance, according to the Minister, if the necessity arises.

A further innovation mentioned was the ‘fostering’ programme for apprentices, whereby those who have lost their placement can be taken on by a ‘foster’ employer to continue their training, with some of Northern Ireland’s largest companies already being amenable to this project. It was also mooted that contractors who win public sector tenders will be required to take on apprentices, as part of the contract; this is already the case in Scotland.