Friday, 10 April 2009

Fostering Programme for Apprentices

Sir Reg Empey answered questions in the NI Assembly to emphasise progress with some of the main priorities for his Department. On apprenticeships,

he did not wish to see trainees who have been affected by the present economic downturn – perhaps even losing their ‘jobs’ – being disadvantaged. Ways to allow them to complete their training, and not wasting progress to date, were outlined – simulated work environments and full-time FE placements. By utilising such initiatives time spent in training to date thus counts, and the apprenticeship can then be completed successfully. Presently, schemes are in place for the construction, engineering and motor industries – but other parts of the economy may be given similar assistance, according to the Minister, if the necessity arises.

A further innovation mentioned was the ‘fostering’ programme for apprentices, whereby those who have lost their placement can be taken on by a ‘foster’ employer to continue their training, with some of Northern Ireland’s largest companies already being amenable to this project. It was also mooted that contractors who win public sector tenders will be required to take on apprentices, as part of the contract; this is already the case in Scotland.

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